Thursday, April 23, 2009

Finally: A Rose Romance

Alright, so MAC's A Rose Romance collection released online today and hits stores tomorrow, and I don't know about you, but I feel like I've been waiting forever! I think this one will actually live up to the hype. I rounded up a couple of product photos to help you guys figure out what you might want (or not want!) from this collection.

On the left we have the See Thru Lip Color in Tender Tryst and Secret Crush, $14 at, on the bottom right are the Pigments in Circa Plum and Mutiny, $19.50 at, and on the top right are the lippies in Way to Love and A Rose Romance, $14 at The See Thru Lip Colors are pretty much like gel lip stains. I really love the idea of lip stains (so low-maintenance), but I'm not feeling Tender Tryst. Who wants purple lips? I'd go for Secret Crush instead. It's that cherry-stained, I-just-ate-a-popsicle look--very, very pretty. I really like the lippies in this collection. They're very soft and pretty. Way to Love is a little warmer and darker, whereas A Rose Romance is lighter and cooler. Personally, I think both of these could work, so maybe head for your local MAC store and try them on in person. As for the pigments, if I had the mad skills to be able to wear them, I would totally buy Circa Plum. It swatches a litter darker, and it's a very dirty, warm plum with silvery shimmer. Yes, please. And you have the guts to rock Mutiny, by all means, go for it!

On the left are two of the shadows in Et Tu, Bouquet, and Of Summer, $14.50 at, and Fix+ Rose, $17 at I don't like these shadows at all. These are only two of the collection's shadows (there are two purples and a silver), but I think they're a little weak overall. Pink shadow makes my eyes look infected (not cute), so why would I want frosty pink shadow? Bleh. As for the Fix+ Rose, I have Fix+ and it doesn't really do much more me. I use it to set my makeup, and it doesn't make a difference. I hear it's a great shadow transformer though, so if you're willing to experiment and you like the smell of roses, check this out.

On the left is the Rose Beauty Powder in Summer Rose, $22 at, in the middle is the Just a Pinch Gel Blush, $19.50 at, and on the right are the lipglasses in Magnetique, Virgin Kiss, and Steal My Heart, $14.00 at How pretty is that blush? I love it! The color might be a little hard to pull off, as it's a soft, pinky-violet with pearl, but I think on someone extremely pale, with very cool-toned skin, this would be insanely English Rose gorgeous. The Beauty Powder comes in Blush of Youth, a clean pink with gold pearl, as well, but I don't have pics. I think that might be more flattering overall. If gel blush is your thing, the Just a Pinch Gel Blush is for you. I've heard it's actually pretty good. It swatches a reddish pink, which works for a lot of skin tones. Gel blush is great for summertime, because it can't get chalky or powdery like regular blush--it just stays dewy! The lipglasses are my favorite part of this collection. Magnetique is a re-promote, and not really my thing, but Virgin Kiss and Steal My Heart are so pretty! Steal My Heart is more of a strawberry/bubblegum pink, whereas Virgin Kiss is riding the nude lip wave as a milky, pale pink. I can't decide which one I like better!

Image Sources:
All images are courtesy of

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