Saturday, May 16, 2009

Beautiful Stranger

I might be behind the ball on this one, but I just stumbled across, and OMG, it's amazing. There are two sections, a video section where the Beautiful Stranger people interview models, stylists, designers, generally chic people, and a photo section, where they stop chic people on the street and ask what they're wearing, as well as a bunch of other fashion/beauty-related questions. It totally makes up for all the times I've wanted to ask the girl in Starbucks where she got her awesome trench/perfect vintage dress/etc, but couldn't get up the nerve to. And you also get to find out where they get their hair cut, what makeup they use, what's on their shopping wish list. The only problem with this is that it's majorly addictive, and since the site links to places where you can buy stuff mentioned in the interview, it's a little bad for my wallet. But it's totally worth it.

Here are some stylish street peoples: that first girl is wearing a Balmain jacket. Um, shut up.

Things I love from these pics: the first girl's Balmain jacket (duh), the second girl's Zara coat, although I could do without the orangetastic tan, the third girl's fur vest and aviators, the fourth girl's Michael Kors coat, the fifth girl's Hunter boots and YSL bag, and the last girl's entire outfit. All that layering could look bulky or overwhelming, but when done in streamlined neutrals the overall effect is drop dead chic. The skirt and shirt are from Gap! Gap has seriously improved since Patrick Robinson signed on. Anyways, click on over to Probably not at work/school though. And I'm apologizing in advance, because you will lose hours of your life on that site.

Image Sources: first girl:, second girl:, third girl:, fourth girl:, fifth girl:, sixth girl:

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